July 7, 2023

What is the difference between a real and false alarm?

All alarms in main fire alarm control panel are real and are caused by a break in the electrical current passing through the alarm system. Alarms in main fire alarm control panel can be sounded by someone activating a pull station, by something as simple as toast burning near a smoke detector, or by an actual fire.

main fire alarm control panel

If an alarm sounds in main fire alarm control panel, something caused it. It might not be a fire, but don’t bet your life on it. All alarms in main fire alarm control panel should be treated as though they were caused by fire until it can be determined otherwise by a competent authority, such as the responding Fire Department. Over the years we have developed a dangerous complacency in response to fire alarms due to the overuse of the term “false alarm” to characterize an alarm not caused by actual fire.

What should you do if I hear a fire alarm main fire alarm control panel ?
Evacuate your building immediately and go to the area your supervisor has designated as a meeting point. For safety reasons, you should evacuate if you hear any alarm, even if it is not in your zone.