March 19, 2023

Maybe you want to know about the info of installing a wired smoke detector !

Smoke detectors need to be wired together to create a complete fire alarm system. With hard-wired detectors, a single smoke detector going off will set off the others — ensuring that everyone in your home is alerted to hazards. Hardwired smoke detectors are also able to run off both power and batteries, making them extra secure. 
Nevertheless, because they deal with electricity, you need to be very careful when installing a wired smoke detector.
firstly, you should be prepare a voltage detector when installing a wired smoke detector. This will protect you by ensuring that you aren’t working with live wires.
the next,  you should be prepare a wire stripper when installing a wired smoke detector. Wire strippers can remove the insulation from a wire without damaging the wire.
At last, you should be prepare wire connectors when installing a wired smoke detector. You need 3 wire connectors per alarm — many alarms will come with them

installing a wired smoke detector

About the connecting Wires when installing a wired smoke detector 
Understandably, the main difference between a wired smoke detector and a battery powered smoke detector is that a wired detector connects directly to wires in your walls. Whether you’re simply replacing existing detectors or creating a new network, you’ll need to know how to connect a wire. Connecting a wire is done by stripping approximately 1/2 of an inch of wire at the very end and then placing the two wires to be connected into a wire connector. The wire connector is then twisted until both wires are held firmly within. This creates a safe and solid connection. Once the connector has been screwed down, no wire should remain exposed.

If your firedetectors are installed incorrectly, the detectors can actually become a fire hazard. And while the irony may be fun, the consequences won’t be. If you’re uncertain at any time during this process, consult a professional or contact us !