February 6, 2023

Fire safety, wired heat alarm is coming !

Generally speaking, you will only use wired heat alarms if you have a hardwired fire alarm system. Otherwise, it is usually easier and more practical to use wireless heat detectors or standalone heat alarms. But if you have a wired fire system, then wired heat alarms can make a great addition. Please remember, you will need to run wires from the panel to the wired heat alarm. If you are not comfortable doing this, then the best way is to hire a trained electrician.

Wired heat alarmss for alarm systems generally come in two types. These are 2-wired heat detectors and 4-wired heat alarms. Most users will go with 2 wired heat alarm detectors, since they are easier to wire. But a major restriction for these devices is that they can only be used with certain hardwired/wired zones. Most hardwired panels feature a designated zone for 2-wire hardwired smoke detectors and heat detectors. This zone will briefly cut power to the sensor when an alarm is cleared. This will reset the device automatically, with no further equipment being needed other than an end of line resistor.

wired heat alarm

When it comes to 4-wire heat alarm detectors, greater flexibility is available. These devices can be installed at any available hardwired zonea. But the downside is that additional equipment is needed to use them. You will need a relay to cut power to the device so that it resets when an alarm is cleared. You may also need to provide an external power supply if the panel does not provide sufficient power.

wired heat alarm