February 20, 2023

Standalone heat detector for fire safety – Sumring

What a pity ! Every year, dozens of people lose their lives in a fire in their home, mainly due to asphyxiation from smoke they inhale in their sleep. A simple smoke detector could have alerted them to the danger within minutes. However, smoke detectors are highly susceptible to producing false alarms when installed in dusty atmospheres:  garages,boiler rooms, kitchens, cellars and attics. In these cases, heat detectors are recommended for the protection of such areas.If it is for home use, we recommend standalone heat detector for you. Standalone heat detectors are an effective means of fire protection in home.

such as our SR-506P type standalone heat detector.
SR-506P household standalone heat detector, also known as heat alarms, it’s a device that senses heat/temperature, typically as an indicator of fire. It is designed to help promote household safety, warning people of fire by a local audible or visual alarm from the detector itself. Installed and maintained a heat detector play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. If there is a fire in your home, fire spreads fast and you need heat alarms to give you time to get out. 

standalone heat detector

The SR-506P standalone heat detector is applicable for a wide range of residential and commercial places like: home, shopping mall, hotel, warehouse, office, school, electric room etc. The standalone heat detector is battery-operated with 9v battery that with 2-3 years life, featured with high stability, high sensitivity, low power consumption, unique design, novel style, and very user friendly.
More detail:please click “standalone heat detector